Fight Noise with Noise

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alarm clock

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Like a modern girl, living in an apartment down town, I can certainly claim that traffic noise as well as midnight trash pick ups, hissing radiator, car alarms, and etc., are my worst enemies at night. However, being able to sleep through all that is not always easy, unless I am so tired that once I get into bed I am dead to the world for at least 8 hours.

What has always been a surprise to me is that the best way to fight night life noise is with noise. Whether you are going to run a white noise app on your smart phone, let a fan or an A/C hum in your room, is left to your personal preference. However, if you have your heart set on going with the fan, you need to ask yourself if you would be able to take it everywhere with you when you aren’t sleeping home.

Getting accustomed to certain type of white noise can be rather addictive. I used to have this great small fan that I left on the entire night. I hadn’t really thought what it would be like, if it ever broke until it actually did, and I was left sleepless for a couple of nights. Naturally, my solution was to run to the nearest home depot and get a new one. What I hadn’t anticipated was that, even though my new “friend” was the same brand, it didn’t sound at all like my old fan – it took me weeks to get used to the new lullaby!

If you, like me, are a light sleeper, you will be happy to know that there is always a way to fight noise, and avoid sleep deprivation. My friends at Fantastic Cleaning Fitzroy North have a few suggestions on how to get your beauty sleep:

1. Noise machine

These little fellows are amazing! iTunes’ WhiteNoise app is one of the best solutions to ever have been offered on the market. It works great for me, especially the rainy day melody. However, if you are more sensitive to changes in noise level, you might be disturbed by the small pause at the end of the record, right when it loops from the beginning. Never the less experts at cleaning in Fitzroy North swear by these devises, and claim that even your pet will be calmed by them. Take your dog, for example, it is far more sensitive towards sudden street noises (the sharpened senses, and all…), and it can’t help but leap to check every sign of disturbance, right? With one of those machines the chances of being waken up not only by sudden noise but also by a curious dog will be significantly lower.

2. Run the fan or the A/C

As I already mentioned these also tend to block the street noise, even though their sound is not as nice like that of raindrops on a roof or exotic waterfalls or the ocean. Nevertheless, they do work, and once you get accustomed to using them, you will be able to get your good night sleep every night! The problem here is with taking the fan (not going to mention the A/C) with you on the road or when visiting someone out of town.

White fan

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3. Invest in heavy drapes

Fabric can be used as an additional noise, and even heat/ cold insulation, so don’t hesitate to invest in some high-quality heavy drapes. Not only will they block out some of the street noise, and keep the sunlight away while you sleep, but they will most definitely class up your bedroom. On the same topic, if you want to, you might also want to rearrange the furniture in the bedroom, so that your bed, and the headboard, in particular, can be as far away from the windows as possible.



Author: Sam

Samantha Winterland (Sam) is the owner and creator of Best Home Ideas. Having graduated from the Withehouse Institute of Design Australia, she has devoted her blog to exploring the latest innovations in interior design. Sam admits she loves everything DIY and is always ready to face a new challenge.

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